Awaken Your Creativity & Learn to Paint Beautiful Watercolor Florals with Ease

Hey Y’all! I am so excited that you have stumbled upon my little nook of the internet.

I’m Angeline.

Dedicated Army Wife, Mama,

Watercolor Artist, Paint Maker, Educator, Joy Seeker, Fearless Dreamer, & Lover of Dark Chocolate. My passion has always been to help people rediscover their β€œinner creative child,” and utilize the benefits of regular art practice to bring more peace and joy into their busy lives.

Ready for more? Well you’re in luck. I also LOVE storytelling.

Connecting Visual Arts to Something Deeper.

Learn how art can reinvigorate your prayer life.

Connect to Your Creative Spirit.



Bob Ross once said, β€œAll you need to paint is a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind.” So grab your tools as we provide the instruction & inspiration to bring your creative vision to life.

Modern Calligraphy

From journaling entries to homemade gifts to leather jackets, skills in Modern Calligraphy can be used everywhere!

Think you don’t have what it takes? Let me prove you wrong!


Retail Therapy

Need a little nudge of creative inspiration? Need a great gift?

Need an excuse to buy more art supplies…who am I kidding?

You never need an excuse for that last one!

New Arrivals

Fan Favorites



Floral Prints

Floral Prints

β€œBeloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.”

- 1 John 4:7 ESV

Family & Lifestyle


Art Education
